Everyone’s journey is different.

I would like to preface this post with the fact that the information I am about to share is based on my experience as a self-published independent author. While I am a professional, I am in no way an expert.

The advice given is based purely on mistakes and lessons learned. I feel like it is my obligation as your peer to share my knowledge.

PS: If you don’t like the word fucking or foul language of any kind, you probably shouldn’t read the rest of this post.

Or any of my books.


I like to keep shit really real.

You’ve been warned.

Everyone’s journey is different

We don’t all arrive at the same destination the same exact way. We’re all coming from different directions. We all travel down different roads. We all have different goals. Face different challenges. All we can do is navigate the best we can. Learn from our own mistakes, those of others, and move on. We all want to find our place and relevance in the vastly growing indie world and I can assure you it can be done. It might not be overnight. It might take a hell of a lot longer than you anticipated. But if  you stay the course, true to yourself, and loyal to your purpose…you can succeed.

So here are few tips to help you along the way.


Get a good fucking editor-You’ve probably read that more than once. When I first started out I read it too. But like a dumbass, I didn’t listen. I cut corners, trying to save money and you know what? I paid dearly for it. Get someone who knows what the hell they are doing. A professional. Someone who will make your words shine. The price you pay for a good editor is soooo worth it.

You gotta have thick fucking skin-Publishing ain’t for sissies. I wish I could say everything I write is gold. But it’s not. There’s an old saying:

Two people never read the same book.

Well, it’s true. And anytime someone doesn’t like my stories, or I get a bad review, I remind myself of that. It’s inevitable and completely unavoidable, you’re going to have people who don’t like your work. That’s just the way it is. Get over it. Not everyone loves bananas either. I fucking hate bananas. But just keep doing your thing and don’t sweat the haters. Let it fuel you to work that much harder.

Support your fucking peers-This is not a competition. It’s not a race to see who can get to the top first. If it is for you then I suggest you reevaluate why you published to begin with. Encourage others to do their best. Build them up. Help them along their journey. I’m sure there is someone, somewhere who has helped you at some point in your life. Remember how that made you feel and give that feeling back.

Read, read, and read some fucking more-Nothing pains me more than when I see an author that says they no longer read or don’t have time to read. Read your genre. Read authors who intimidate you. Read new authors. Old authors. Let them challenge you to be the best damn writer you can be.

One of my favorite authors, Stephen King once said:

If you want to be a writer you must do two things above all others: Read a lot and write a lot.

He’s a wise man. Listen to him. Listen to me. We create new and vibrant art by the art we see and read.


Know your fucking purpose-Sometimes it’s easy to be sucked into the drama. Misery loves company. Misery is one ugly bitch. Stay away from negative people. People who tear others down to make themselves feel or look better. It’s likely if they are doing that to others, they will eventually do that to you.

Don’t be a fucking dick-I know it’s hard (pun intended) because there are dicks and assholes everywhere who just love to smear their negative bullshit all around but do not engage. I repeat…DO NOT ENGAGE. It only leads to you being a dick and two dicks do not make a right.

Might make a damn good story though. 😉

Be a fucking unicorn-Nobody else can be you. You can’t be anybody else. Remember when I said everyone has their own journey? I meant that shit. You can’t get to where you going by taking someone else’s road. Stay in your own lane. Be true to yourself and know your purpose. That is the only way to survive this journey with dignity and grace.

That’s all I have for now but give me a few more years to make more mistakes and I’ll have more to give back.

In the meantime, keep writing your motherfucking stories and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.

Just do your own thing.

Peace & Love,


Edited to note: I did not have this piece professionally edited.

Do as I say. Not as I do. 😉

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